Bugfix release

Timo News Leave a Comment

There is a new version out: It fixes a bug with the functions asa_item und asa_get_item. They resulted in an error when used with custom templates (file_get_contents warning). Additionally the placeholder {$PercentageSaved} now shows “0” if nothing is saved instead of it being blank. And I added a dynamical CSS class for the Ajax container (if Ajax mode is …

New version 0.9.11 is out!

Timo News 7 Comments

Hi ASA users! I am proud to announce that I just released the new version 0.9.11 Next to some fixes and improvements I added one major feature: the AJAX mode. Please keep in mind that it is still beta. It will boost up your page load time noticeable. You can activate it in the new options panel you’ll find in …

Issue with using the Amazon Product Advertising API for Associates (“Request from blacklist_[xyz] is throttled”)

Timo News 4 Comments

In the last few days I got several requests about a not working plugin status. The error message always is “Request from blacklist_[xyz] is throttled” where [xyz] is a individual ID. I did a lot of research on the official Amazon associates/developer forums. Amazon tries to split the API users in associates and sellers. For both sides there is a …

Website update: Facelift, Multilingual and Forums!

Timo News 5 Comments

After several nights of hard work I finally updated the ASA homepage. The facelift is nice, but the real new features are the german translations and the forums. Constantly receiving mails from the german speaking part of the world (what is where I am coming from too by the way), I decided to start this page multilingual. As of now …

Bugfix Release

Timo News 3 Comments

One week after releasing version 0.9.10 I committed a new bugfix release today. It fixes a bug when a PHP error occured (Class ‘Asa’ not found in …/AsaCore.php on line 384). This could happen on auto-updates through your WordPress backend. (Thanks to Axel for the screenshot) If version 0.9.10 works fine for you already, you do not necessarily need …

New update coming soon!

Timo News 7 Comments

Hi Asa-Users, due to some changes in the Amazon API, you could discover some problems on your website where the Amazon products should show up. I am working on a new update of AmazonSimpleAdmin to support the new API. I will hopefully release it within the next couple of days. This new version also will support the Amazon stores Italy, …

Hotfix release

Timo News 10 Comments

Today I released a hotfix release due to some errors that could occur when using customer reviews. The errors occured when requesting the customer reviews page from Amazon. Unfortunately the webservice doesn’t retrieve this information directly for some time now so I created this workaround for version Either the Amazon severs have some trouble or the plugin requests got …

New version released!

Timo News 7 Comments

Today I released the new version of Amazon Simple Admin. Here is the list of changes: Fixed: issue with currency and price not displaying properly Added: Widget for displaying collections in sidebar New placeholder: {$LowestNewOfferFormattedPrice} New placeholder: {$LowestUsedOfferFormattedPrice} New placeholder: {$AmazonPriceFormatted} New placeholder: {$ListPriceFormatted} Keeps user templates after update and does not overwrite custom templates. The built-in templates are …