Amazon announces the new Amazon Associates Education Center

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Amazon Associates LogoYesterday Amazon announced the launch of the Amazon Associates Education Center. It’s a new website section featuring in-depth Articles & Tutorials for Amazon Affiliates. You will find tips and practical guidelines based on real-world examples on many useful areas including:

  • Content Marketing
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
  • Conversion Optimization

For us WordPress users there is an interesting first article online titled “Top 10 Considerations for Selecting the Perfect WordPress Theme“. But I have to admit the title promised more than what I found. The 10 considerations for a good theme are nothing new to WordPress experts. But it’s never wrong to double check if the currently used WordPress theme for your affiliate project meets the requirements of modern websites.

The other post “Increase Your Conversion Rate with 2-Step Campaigns” addresses SEO-driven websites where the percentage of new visitors is extremely high. The aim of a “2-Step Campaign” is converting the new visitors into newsletter subscribers in the first step as visitors coming from Google Search Engine Result Pages are looking for information and not for advertisement or products and such will not generate sales. I found this article very helpful to get more insight in Affiliate strategies.

Hopefully there will come more valuable information on Amzon’s new Asscociates Education Center. I will have an eye on it.

How do you like it? Which resources for Affiliates can you recommend?


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