New website for Amazon Simple Admin online!

Timo News 7 Comments

Finally I published this website dedicated for supporting my WordPress plugin Amazon Simple Admin. In the future you will get informed about the developement of the plugin on this page. Furthermore you can contact me using the comment function below the posts or by using the contact form.

It is my desire to constantly improve this plugin. To achieve this goal, I need your support. So as in the past on the old page I am looking forward to your feedback, wether it is an error message, a feature request or a just a praise.

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13 years ago

Great Plugin. Just what I was looking for. I searched High and Low for a plugin to make book lists. I’m very happy to have just recently found your plugin almost by accident. I think the description could emphasize much more the collections/lists feature since I think this is VERY VERY valuable which other Amazon plugins don’t do. At least I have not found any others that do. I’m very interested in seeing another update for this plugin with some of my suggestions below. Do you have a current list of improvements you are working on now? 0. Allow books… Read more »

13 years ago

good start

12 years ago

Your plugin works well. I am using the $Comment field in my application. I noticed that if I enter a new line for a paragraph that it must somehow kill the script.Is there a way to do paragraphs within the comment?

Reply to  Timo
12 years ago

Thanks so much for your prompt reply and consideration.

12 years ago

I installed to my wordpress blog. The install says it was successful, however after installation my wordpress admin page cannot be displayed – http 500 error. I went to my hosting site and deleted the plugin directory and now I can get back into my admin page. Any thoughts on this?