White Screen of Death/503/Coredumps Apache2

  • April 4, 2013 at 15:53 #8745

    Using your latest release as of 4/4/2013 – When plugin enabled, it crashes my Apache processes, and gives a 503/White Screen when trying to publish a post, or, if I’ve disabled the plugin, and left the ASA tags in, and reenabled, 503’s the post in question when the user views it. Odd.

    April 4, 2013 at 16:25 #8746

    Thanks for your feedback. Do you have any error_logs from your server? Addinionally you could activate the debug log of the plugin to check if there are error messages regarding the Amazon webservice. Or a conflict with another plugin. Did run ASA alone on a test installation?
    I think it should be an issue with your installation / server. I had no such report before. Hoper we can find a solution.

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