
This is a demo of ASA2’s managed template “Flat_box_horizontal“:

It is designed to work with any kind of product. It comes with many options to customize its appearance without having to change the managed code.

Main features

  • General purpose template
  • Responsive design
  • Adjustable via options without programming skills
  • Flat design


This first example is built with the following shortcode:

[asa2 tpl="Flat_box_horizontal"]B0793G9T6T[/asa2]


On ASA 2’s admin page “Templates” you can customize the general options of template “Flat_box_horizontal“. These settings will effect every usage of this template.

Shortcode options

List of Options

Following you find a list of all available shortcode options for template “Flat_box_horizontal”:

align string
  • "none" (None)
  • "left" (Left)
  • "center" (Center)
  • "right" (Right)
width string custom text Width. A CSS value like "50%" or "200px".
background_color string CSS compatible color value, like hex values (#ff0000) or color names (red) Background color
border_color string CSS compatible color value, like hex values (#ff0000) or color names (red) Border color
border_width int 0 between 99 Border width. In pixels. 0 for no border.
border_radius int 0 between 99 Border radius. In pixels. > 0 for rounded corners.
box_hover_effect string
  • "none" (None)
  • "scale" (Scale)
Box hover effect
image_size string
  • "small" (Small)
  • "medium" (Medium)
  • "large" (Large)
Image size
img_link_to_shop_page string
  • "shop" (Shop page)
  • "buy" (Buy page)
  • "nothing" (Nothing)
Image links to
title_color string CSS compatible color value, like hex values (#ff0000) or color names (red) Title color. No default. The title will be displayed in the default text color of your page, if none is set here.
title_font_css string custom text Title font style. Utilizes the CSS font property. Example: "15px arial, sans-serif;"
title_length int 0 between 999 Title max length. Limits the title to a maximum length of characters. 0 for unlimited.
title_link_to_shop_page string
  • "shop" (Shop page)
  • "buy" (Buy page)
  • "nothing" (Nothing)
Title links to
price_color string CSS compatible color value, like hex values (#ff0000) or color names (red) Price color. The color in which the price text is displayed.
hide_price bool "yes" / "no" Hide price(s)
price_font_css string custom text Price font style. Utilizes the CSS font property. Example: "15px arial, sans-serif;"
show_price_disclaimer bool "yes" / "no" Show price disclaimer. "Details" link next to date of last update.
last_update_format string custom text Last item update date format. Used in price disclaimer. Supports PHP date function format. Example: D, d M Y H:i:s
button_color string CSS compatible color value, like hex values (#ff0000) or color names (red) Button color
button_color_hover string CSS compatible color value, like hex values (#ff0000) or color names (red) Button color hover
button_border_radius int 0 between 999 Button border radius. In pixels, > 0 for rounded corners.
button_font_css string custom text Button font style. Utilizes the CSS font property. Example: "15px arial, sans-serif;"
button_target string
  • "shop" (Shop page)
  • "buy" (Buy page)
Button target. Decides whether the button should link to the product page or the buy page.
button_max_width string custom text Button max width. CSS value like "50%" or "250px".
hide_button bool "yes" / "no" Hide button
show_savings bool "yes" / "no" Show savings ribbon
savings_color string CSS compatible color value, like hex values (#ff0000) or color names (red) Savings ribbon font color
savings_bg_color string CSS compatible color value, like hex values (#ff0000) or color names (red) Savings ribbon background color
savings_font_css string custom text Savings ribbon font style. Utilizes the CSS font property. Example: "15px arial, sans-serif;"
savings_text_style string
  • "short" (Short version (percentage only))
  • "long" (Long version (percentage and text))
Savings text variant
show_features bool "yes" / "no" Show product features (if available)
features_length int 0 between 99 Number of features. How many feature items to show before the "Show more" link. 0 = no limit.
feature_text_length int 0 between 1000 Feature text max length. Maximum number of letters for each feature before the "..." get displayed. 0 = no limit.
features_font_size int 1 between 100 Features font size (in percent)
show_description bool "yes" / "no" Show product description (if available)
description_font_size int 1 between 100 Description font size (in percent)
description_length int 0 between 1000 Description length. Number of letters before the "show more" link get displayed. 0 = no limit.
disclaimer string
  • "none" (None)
  • "asterisk_and_text" (Asterisk in title link and button. Disclaimer text in each template.)
  • "asterisk_only" (Asterisk in title link and button. No disclaimer text.)
Disclaimer. Shows a disclaimer text.
custom_css string
  • "none" (None)
  • "asterisk_and_text" (Asterisk in title link and button. Disclaimer text in each template.)
  • "asterisk_only" (Asterisk in title link and button. No disclaimer text.)
Custom CSS. Custom CSS that is applied to all occurrences of this template on a page and is only included once in the source code.

Besides the general settings, it is possible to overwrite template options per shortcode.

Example green “button_color”

For example, to use a custom button color, this shortcode would make the difference:

[asa2 tpl="Flat_box_horizontal" button_color="green" align="center"]B0793G9T6T[/asa2]

Example purple “savings_bg_color”

To set a custom background color to the savings ribbon, use option “savings_bg_color”:

[asa2 tpl="Flat_box_horizontal" savings_bg_color="purple" align="center"]B0793G9T6T[/asa2]

More examples

Show features and description text

[asa2 tpl="Flat_box_horizontal" show_features="yes" show_description="yes" align="center"]B0793G9T6T[/asa2]
  • New speakers with improved sound, a new 10” HD screen and simple smart home setup—plus a new fabric design.
  • Call almost anyone hands-free including UK mobile and residential numbers (from UK only), other Echo devices and Skype. Link your Vodafone account to make and receive mobile calls. Make video calls to other Echo devices with a screen, the Alexa app or Skype. Instantly drop in on other rooms in your home or make an announcement to every room with a compatible Echo device.
  • Ask Alexa to see lyrics and album art with Amazon Music. Stream content from Apple Music, Spotify and Audible with powerful stereo sound. Watch films and TV shows from Prime Video, or the news.
  • Your new kitchen companion—watch recipes, set timers and add items to your shopping list.
  • Set up compatible Zigbee devices without the need for a separate hub. See your front-door camera stream with 2-way audio and notifications.
  • Echo Show is optimized for visibility across the room and can hear you even while music is playing. You can press the ‘microphone/camera off’ button to electronically disconnect the microphones and camera.
  • With tens of thousands of skills and counting, Alexa is always getting smarter. Skills are like apps and let you do more with Alexa.
  • Designed to protect your privacy. Echo Show is built with multiple layers of privacy protections and controls, including a Microphone/Camera Off button that electronically disconnects the microphones and camera.

Custom price font and long style savings ribbon text

[asa2 tpl="Flat_box_horizontal" savings_text_style="long" title_font_css="italic bold 18px/30px Verdana, sans-serif" align="center" country_code="UK"]B0793G9T6T[/asa2]

Using “price_font_css” for a custom price font style and “savings_bg_color” for a custom savings ribbon background color.

[asa2 tpl="Flat_box_horizontal" price_font_css="italic bold 18px/30px Georgia, serif" savings_bg_color="red" price_color="red" title_font_css="22px sans-serif" title_color="blue" align="center" country_code="UK"]B0793G9T6T[/asa2]

Custom savings font CSS

[asa2 tpl="Flat_box_horizontal" savings_font_css="italic bold 12px/30px Verdana, sans-serif" savings_text_style="long" align="center" country_code="UK" button_max_width="200px"]B0793G9T6T[/asa2]