Very slow loading times

  • Juni 12, 2012 um 21:13 Uhr #435

    I have a collection with only 45 items in it but the page is taking ages to load, even timing out, as I can’t make collections have pages so it limits the amount of products on one page is there any other way of fixing this as it is a major issue for me.

    Juni 13, 2012 um 07:06 Uhr #436

    Hi Richard,
    the paging option is already a feature request and a good idea for displaying many items of a collection. 45 are quite a few and if they are not cached it’s a lot of work to do to display all of them (one request to Amazon for each).
    At this time it is not a good practice to put 45 item in a collection if you want to display the whole collection on one page. The rendering load is just to much. Future versions will definitly focus on this issue. But for now I would recommend to split it into to several collections and several posts / pages and of course to use the cache.

    Juni 13, 2012 um 20:29 Uhr #444

    Thanks for you reply timo, would it be possible to then consider pagetation in future versions for large collections.

    Also when is the next update due out?

    Juni 14, 2012 um 10:27 Uhr #449

    Pagetation will surely be a part of the future development of ASA. But at this time I can not say when this feature will be ready.

    Juni 17, 2012 um 19:33 Uhr #466

    Are we talking weeks or months, I would happily pay if I knew it would help speed up development?

    Juni 18, 2012 um 21:01 Uhr #467

    I guess months unfortunately. Some other developement are planned before that feature. Keep the money untill a Pro version will be available 😉

    Juni 20, 2012 um 09:01 Uhr #473

    I will do, can I ask what is planned before then?

    Juni 21, 2012 um 16:12 Uhr #480

    Sure. Next will come a minor bugfix release. I have fixed some minor bugs over the last weeks which should be available to the public.
    Then I will start with redesigning the plugin code to make it fit for all the features to come (including pagination). I am already working on the new structure right now and very happy with it!

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