iTsa ??? How about an iTunes version?

  • März 1, 2013 um 22:44 Uhr #8688

    I love this app, and have used it on a few blogs with some success.

    What’s the possibility of expanding it to provide iTunes/Linkshare capability?

    März 4, 2013 um 14:48 Uhr #8697

    Hi Patrick,
    thanks for using my plugin. I was thinking about using the iTunes API but that would exceed the scope of this Amazon plugin. It would better fit in an extra plugin. Maybe I will develop some day.

    Juli 25, 2013 um 15:43 Uhr #9059
    Jeremy Meyers

    Maybe instead of coding for a particular additional store, you could add an item option for „external link name“ and „external link url“ so people could link wherever they want.

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